Monday, October 25, 2010

On the Brink

(Green Acres theme song) “California is the place to be. Mountain air the life for me. Ocean spreading out so far and wide. Keep San Francisco just give me that countryside.”

I have flown over, stopped in and briefly traveled through the state of California in my life. However, I have never explored or held any close association with the state other than what the media portrays about Hollywood and the like.

Recently, I made the decision to do more traveling. So, here I am six states later, touring the large and stunning state of California. The very first day of my entry across the border brought me to this amazing California Condor. He was perched on a log in a riverbed. Shortly after my arrival to his river edge, he flew to this branch in the tree.

Condors are fascinating birds.

Fast facts:a.) The largest flying bird in North America, b.) The most endangered bird. C.) Sacred to the Chumash people.

“To many Native Americans, the Condor is a symbol of creation and healing. As depicted in Chumash condor pictographs, religious ceremonies, dances, and songs, to the Chumash the Condor plays the important role of cleaning the land and carrying away man's ugliness, pain, and hatred.”

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“May the healing power of the Great Condor bring you a fresh, new beginning.” tc

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Around the Bend

This type of road always reminds me to practice flexibility.

Example: Recently, I have been doing some traveling. After a couple of days of ‘sponge-bathing’ I was feeling more than ready for a nice hot shower. In fact, the only thing that I wanted on this particular day was to take a shower. My focus (justified by my drive for cleanliness) was only on getting a shower. I did not take into consideration anyone else’s feelings or desires for that day.

The Goddess decided to teach me a valuable lesson. Upon arriving at the facility where we would be able to shower, the women’s area was closed for the morning! Once again, I was reminded of the power of the ego and wanting something MY WAY. I wanted, I needed, I desired, I was going to have a shower……Wrong!

The rest of the day’s activities precluded me from standing under the refreshing, cleansing stream of a hot shower. I humbly resorted to another sponge-bath, fully aware of my error in selfishness and the power of the ego.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When one surrenders to the brilliant guidance of the Goddess, all is provided in her time and teaching.” tc