Thursday, October 14, 2010

Turn the Page

I have recently turned a new page in my life. I have been walking a very long spiritual journey. Over the last few weeks and months, my journey has brought me to new people, through challenging moments, introduced me to profound and unimaginable experiences and delivered me to a new shore with a fresh and salubrious perspective on what our human experience is all about.

Our individual connection to the Divine Creator can only be fully realized through our heightened state of peak consciousness. From the darkest recesses of our soul, over the intense wall of human fear and brought to light on the wings of love will the earthly side of human-nature break the code of the divine and unite for eternal life.

The true sense of freedom that we all seek can only granted by the Goddess of Creation. She is the only One with the power to liberate the soul and bring us to the wisdom of the ages.

So, on that note the quote of the day is:

“Truth lies in the pursuit of knowledge, where all dishonesty unfolds right before your eyes.” tc

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Does God/Goddess Exist?

You know that excitement you feel deep inside, when something you have worked hard at is about to be completed?

You know that relief and happiness you feel deep inside, when a loved one returns from a danger zone?

You know that profound love you feel deep inside, when you are reunited with your heart’s partner in life?

You know that wispy, carefree feeling you feel deep inside, when everything seems right in the world?

You know that encompassing warmth that you feel deep inside when the grief is too much handle?

You know that tear gently rolling over your cheek when the joy in your being is so intense that you are laughing and crying at the same time?

You know that ache and yearning for the absolute truth of your life that you feel deep inside when the moments are quiet?

Does God/Goddess exist? Maybe the question ought to be, why can’t you see and feel the Light of the Divine in All that exists?

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“God/Goddess is timeless, ageless and the Ultimate Consciousness that transcends mankind.” tc