Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Solid Stance

Hidden amongst the weeds and wild flowers and concealed between the waters of life and the tomb of death is a rock. It is not a big rock but it is solid to the core. This rock has been a perch for birds, a warming place for lizards and a seat for the weary traveler.

This rock does not ask for anything for itself, yet continues to provide for others in any way that may suit their needs. One time, this rock sheltered a chickadee from a snake slithering past. In another instance, this rock absorbed the salty tears of a disheartened lover. On still another occasion, this rock provided rest to a dung beetle crawling through the grass.

Although this rock is not flashy, assuming or the most beautiful stone around, it continues to provide for those who choose to receive the wisdom of its gifts.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Be a rock to others who need some grounding.” tc

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

An Apple a Day...

Eating a balanced diet is very important to one’s overall health. The ‘ol saying of “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” is trying to express good eating habits that we all need to practice.

It is becoming more difficult to intake the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are required in order to maintain optimal health. Not only does our food have fewer flavors, it does not contain the nutritional value that it once held. Additionally, beef, chicken, pork and other animal meats are filled with hormones, preservatives and pesticides that were ingested, while the animal was alive. Engineered foods are even worse for human consumption.

The Internet is a useful tool that can help you find out what foods are most vulnerable to pesticides. This link is one place to start. If possible, when purchasing fresh fruits and vegetable; try to buy organic.

With the plethora of tasty junk food (empty nutritional value), even the foods that are good for you have become less desirable due to flavor appeal. Sugar is in everything from toothpaste to cookies. Reducing your sugar intake will actually give you more energy and begin to break your addiction to it.

I do my best to consume very little processed sugar, bleached flour and other known potentially harmful foods. Regardless, the key is moderation in all food consumption.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Balanced nutrition aids in producing a balanced Being.” tc