Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

An Apple a Day...

Eating a balanced diet is very important to one’s overall health. The ‘ol saying of “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” is trying to express good eating habits that we all need to practice.

It is becoming more difficult to intake the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are required in order to maintain optimal health. Not only does our food have fewer flavors, it does not contain the nutritional value that it once held. Additionally, beef, chicken, pork and other animal meats are filled with hormones, preservatives and pesticides that were ingested, while the animal was alive. Engineered foods are even worse for human consumption.

The Internet is a useful tool that can help you find out what foods are most vulnerable to pesticides. This link is one place to start. If possible, when purchasing fresh fruits and vegetable; try to buy organic.

With the plethora of tasty junk food (empty nutritional value), even the foods that are good for you have become less desirable due to flavor appeal. Sugar is in everything from toothpaste to cookies. Reducing your sugar intake will actually give you more energy and begin to break your addiction to it.

I do my best to consume very little processed sugar, bleached flour and other known potentially harmful foods. Regardless, the key is moderation in all food consumption.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Balanced nutrition aids in producing a balanced Being.” tc

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Food for Thought

Thanks to Emeril and Rachel Ray, to name a few, food is more than a necessity. Food has become a commodity to exploit. Food is no longer just a basic need of survival. It must be bigger, tastier and full of who-knows-what for Americans (at least) to enjoy it. Have you noticed that almost every holiday and special event revolves around food. People get excited to eat. They exert innumerable amounts of energy invested in preparation and cook time. I have even seen an attitude being “that if the food is ruined, so is the whole evening or at the very least…the cooks!” This is outrageous.

When we look at how unhealthy our society is on a whole, this is not a positive thing. Obesity is out of control. The acceptable standard for body weight and size has increased over the past 50 years and the excessive weight has increased many diagnostic health issues that people suffer from. Coupled with a decrease in nutritional value and taste, food has simply become a genetically engineered filler.

What is happening? There are people starving around the globe and many Americans continue to eat an abundance of unhealthy and poorly nutritional foods. Things must change. When the euphoric standard of desire for food is properly balanced with good nutrition and ‘enough,’ rather than an abundance, people will wake up from their caloric slumber. They will take a stand against the inundation of suppressed nourishment that they are being force-fed and temper nutrition and quality with quantity for life.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Balanced nutrition creates a balanced person.” tc