Friday, August 6, 2010

Animal Smarts

Frazzled? Exhausted? Stressed Out?

It is easy to feel this way in our “Hurry up and wait world.” The kids need this, the husband wants that, the boss says one thing and the doctor stresses another! What are we supposed to do?

I have figured out that animals are brilliant teachers. Do you see them being pulled in a million different directions? No. Animals eat when they are hungry, sleep when they are tired and roam when they want a change of scenery. The prime motivating factor has nothing to do with one species being smarter than another. It has everything to do with one species acting in a way that is “best for its overall well-being.”

An animal only runs when death appears to be imminent. It does not run all day long because it knows, instinctually, that running all day is not healthy. An animal does not eat excessively because it knows that it only needs to eat when hunger calls.

An animal does not let outside stimuli dictate its every breath.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“The fastest way to find relief is to slow down and think.” tc

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Affirmative Action

What is the secret to being happy? To getting what you want? To avoiding the pitfalls of life?

One way is to pay attention to what you say, think and do. Our thoughts are energy waves. When a person thinks that she will pass the test, receive the bonus or he is a leader, then that energy goes out into the universe and helps to create the desired state.

If a person thinks that he is ugly, not good at her job or thinks that “there is always something negative to deal with…” then that negative energy goes out into the universe and helps to bring about the same desired state.

One way to overcome the continuous negativity in your life and to begin receiving the good is to start training your brain to be positive! This type of self-talk is called affirmations. In the morning, while preparing for the day, look in the mirror and tell yourself the things that you want to believe but at this moment do not believe. You can even tape the written affirmations to your mirror.

For example, you may think that you are weak, ugly, dry and lacking in public confidence. Now, take these few areas and make them positive. Say: ”I am strong, I am handsome, I am funny, I am confident, I am good at my job, etc.

When you do this every day, you will begin to notice a change in your thoughts and behavior. Other’s may make comments about the change as well. When you have mastered these characteristics, try others.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“In order to create the things that you need in this world, you must learn to see the world as you want it to be rather than how it is.” tc