Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Monuments to the Dead

What is death? Many cultures have elaborate ceremonies revolving around death. Sadly, many of those ceremonies are wrapped in dark, despairing and depressive rituals.

I believe that Death is simply a transformation of the soul from the physical body back into the spiritual light, in which it came from. Physical death should be a celebration of that person's actual life on earth. For the soul is of light, energy, sound. It can move across dimensions and cycles, which we call time.

The soul does not perish, only the physical, organic body dies. The soul IS everlasting! Please stop building sad monuments to the deceased. They have moved onward. It is for those left behind, who cling to the fear surrounding death, that statues and monuments are erected.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Death is the Spirit's rebirth into the Light." tc

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sands of Time

This sand slide is about 150-175 feet high tucked behind a sandstone ridge in northern Arizona. The sand is so fine that it is almost like powder. Additionally, it is at about a 9 degree incline.  Walking up the sand takes some effort because with each step, it seems as though you're not making much progress.

After reaching the summit of this sand slide, I paused for a moment of celebration.  Boy, was that a hike! I'll take pine trees and brush in the Rockies, anyday :)

What was so surprising about this mound was that only a few inches under the scorching white sand was a soft, cool layer of sand that eased the work of the climb.  So, I got to think'in.......

If we remember to lay down a cushion in life, the troubles that we experience won't seem so tough to handle.  Logic tells me that the fall won't hurt so badly.  Now, I know that we cannot carry around a foam pad everywhere that we go. How silly would that be? However, we can hold within us a protective padding that allows us to make our own decisions, live a joyful and fulfilling life, yet, ease the difficulties that arise from time to time.  This cushion is a belief in something bigger than us. This cushion is filled with love not nails. This cushion is God. 

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"There are times when we all need to lean on another to slow the downward slide of life's troubles." tc