Sunday, April 18, 2010

What Really Matters

It is not the guy who cut you off in traffic or the near-miss accident. It is the fact that you made it to and from safely.
It is not the ocassional poor grade.  It is the education.
It is not who has more or who has less. It is that we are sharing.
It is not the petty differences.  It is the similarities.
It is not who is right and who is wrong. It is that we are talking.
It is not where you have been. It is what you have learned along the way.
It is not how difficult the journey may be. It is the hope in your heart that inspires you to keep moving.
It is not where you are going. It is how you plan to get there.
It is not what faith you practice. It is that you practice your faith.
It is not that you are eating steak, lobster and fresh vegetables. It is that you have food to eat.
It is not what you believe. It is that you Believe.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"It is not who you Love. It is that you Love all." tc

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Are you Listening?

A songwriter hears the words in his head and writes down the lyrics.
A musician hears the melody from within and composes the notes into music.
A teacher hears the need for special instruction and stays late to help a child.
A doctor hears about a medical emergency and acts to save a life.
Two people meet and hear the song of love between them and decide to share their lives together.
A writer hears the story in her heart and organizes it into chapters for a book.
A preacher hears the gospel from God and reiterates it to the congregation.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"What beautiful message have you heard lately and shared with another?" tc