Friday, March 26, 2010

Words of Regret

Remember those mean words that you yelled towards your loving spouse? You were simply trying to make him/her understand how you felt, right? What about those harsh words that you hollered at your son or daughter? Weren’t you really trying to get him/her to see the error of their young ways? Have you ever engaged in gossip at work in order to hear the latest ‘news’ in the office? Weren’t you really just trying to fit in and be included?
Let me ask you this: Do you listen better to people who shout foul words at you or sit and talk attentively with you? Did you learn more from your parents when they were mad or when they shared things with you? What do you suppose those people at the office are saying about you when you aren’t around?
We all have said or done things that later, we regret. What you say and do reveals more about you than the point you are trying to convey. Next time you find yourself in a situation of gossip, anger or frustration, I ask you to take a moment and pause. If you pause for just a second, you may find that in the future, there are less words and actions from the past, that you will come to regret.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“A damaged soul’s tongue cuts as deep as a steel blue edge.” tc

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Sitting in the stillness of the cool morning light, the soothing sounds of a running creek trickles past, softening the edges of a jagged shoreline. A mother sage hen calls out across the dry, desert valley below summoning her young to return. Looking up, wispy feather-like clouds brush across the deep blue heavens, as the last sliver of moon fades in the brightening sky. A fly buzzes past on its way to an unknown destination of delight. The natural rhythms of all living beings on the planet turn in the known cycles of the creative universe.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Organic, pure, easy….tranquility.” tc