Showing posts with label window. Show all posts
Showing posts with label window. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Winds of Change

It is important to take one day at a time. This theme is a useful tool to help people in recovery from addictions but it ought to be applied in more areas of life. I understand the desire to plan for the future. I set goals like many people. However, when we focus too much on that future, we forget to take care of today.
The windmill of change is constantly moving us through time. There are many variables in life that impact our future in ways we cannot always foresee. Things change and learning to be flexible with the bands of weather rolling over your life will prove to be easier than the initial reaction of defense to it. One moment may appear unclear and frightening. However, eventually, the sun burns the fog away and the crystal, clear sky will again grant clarity.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"When the dense and eerie fog rolls in and the path you have been following suddenly changes, take comfort in the protective cloak enveloping you, instead of focusing on the claustrophobic reaction of uncertainty." tc

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sometimes we need a different point-of-view

The first time I took my two sons on an airplane ride, I pointed out houses, roads and even huge cities from this aerial view.  They marveled at how tiny everything looked from the sky.

I used this experience to teach them a lesson about problems.  I reminded both of them that when they have a problem in life and it seems overwhelming to solve or manage, that if they remember how small things are from the viewpoint of looking out the window of an airplane, that they may see that their problems aren't quite as big as they appear. Whatever life presents, it is never too large for you to handle. 

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"Your perspective is everything."