Showing posts with label sphinx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sphinx. Show all posts

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Sphinx

I feel that this photo depicts the unbalance of the human ego at work today! The lion carved in the rocks represents the Ego. It is looming large in a person’s every day life, while the person is sitting in the shadow of it’s power. This is not balanced or healthy.

The ego is there to give us an understanding of who we are. It is not there to dominate our entire lives. The ego can be used as a tool to access what we need, when we need it, how we can use it, where it is best applied and why it is necessary. However, when the ego has taken over the human aspects of good judgment, moral action, forgiveness, sharing, spiritual attunement and love, it is not healthy. When the ego is in control………there is no need for anyone of anything other than me, myself and I.

The out-of-balance ego is not only the center of the person but it IS the center of their universe.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When the ego is in balance, the lion does not roar.” tc