Showing posts with label fence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fence. Show all posts

Monday, March 8, 2010

Holding Back

I'm saving  Grandma's china for the holidays. I am putting aside money for my daughter's college fund. I am going to move after I retire. I will call my mother next week.  I will donate money to a charity, when I have more to give. 
How often have these types of statements been uttered and never completed? I would venture to say thousands of times. For some reason people seem to hold back doing something fantastic right now, for a future event that frequently doesn't materialize. Instead of setting the table and creating a holiday tonight, people wait and wait and wait for something "seemingly spectacular" to happen before pulling out the china, opening the bottle of wine and sharing whatever they have at the time. I ask you to recognize each moment of your life as spectacular and celebrate now, instead of limiting your joyfulness for some unrealized future.   

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"You cannot fence the abundance of something so beautiful." tc