Showing posts with label domestic violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label domestic violence. Show all posts

Friday, September 17, 2010

Rough Waters or Calm Shores?

Domestic Violence is an ever-increasing problem in our lives today. One of the biggest problems is that people do not recognize the varied forms that domestic violence takes on. One of the most damaging forms of partner abuse is not physical. It is emotional manipulation!

Think about this:
Are you constantly being criticized and yelled at?
Are you to blame for everything that goes wrong?
Are you the target for his/her anger?
Is sexual affection forced upon you or do you feel you are his/her sexual object and not a person?
Is your partner quick tempered, jealous, possessive or overly needy?
Is your access to money limited or controlled by your partner?
Have you been threatened in any way?

Many people today do not recognize spousal/partner abuse, unless it is in the form of physical injury. However, emotional manipulation is definitely abuse. If you have to be so careful to please, be on guard or change your actions due to fear of what your partner will do or say, this is a very unhealthy relationship.

Another aspect to domestic violence in this manner is the cycle that the abuser creates. He/She may act ‘normal,’ kind and ask for forgiveness in between cycles of abuse. He/She may even state that you are the only one who can help them. Staying in this type of relationship is VERY detrimental to your well-being. Even if your abuser does not develop his/her actions into a physical strike, the damage caused by emotional abuse can last a lifetime.

If you find yourself in this situation or believe that you may be acting out this type of behavior, there is help. You can begin by educating yourself. One helpful link providing a stream of information is:

There are many counselors, therapists and even religious affiliations that can give you advice and support. Each county has a Social/Human Services office. They can provide protection, money and counseling for those with limited or no income. Please do not think that you are alone or that you have no options. There is always help available, when you are ready to make your move.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“God will guide us to a better place but we are the ones who have to take the action required to get there.” tc