Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Faithful and True

Is it any wonder why dogs have become Mankind’s best friend? They are obedient, loving, forgiving, protective, loyal, kind, etc.

Dogs can teach us many lessons on how to act, like:

1. Be who are and share love with everyone.

2. Protect what is important but don’t bite, if a growl will do.

3. When you are tired…rest.

4. Never pass up the chance to go for a ride.

5. Enjoy long walks.

6. Be loyal.

7. And, when someone is having a bad day, be there for them.

Whether you have a dog or not, enjoy the ‘philosophy of dogs,’ and have a great day!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Keep harmful things away from you, run towards love & affection and a good scratch can make everything better.” tc