Showing posts with label desert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label desert. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Layers of Expression

Remember those carefree days of child-hood, when many of us ran and played outside with friends? We didn't have a care in the world.  What about those middle years, where we worked and labored to build a career, family and establish a name for ourselves to be remembered by?  Isn't it funny how we strive intently to go, do and be, until we actually get 'there.' 
Then, when we achieve the pinnacle of desire, instead of revelling in the moment, our thoughts either return to those memories of the seemingly 'good ol days' or move ahead twice as fast. The amazing thing about our recollection of the past is that we rarely remember it as it really was.
Those jubilant days of youth were also litered with a lot of rough, uncharted territory. As we grew up, the hills became larger and the demands often outweighed the rewards. By the time we reached the snowy peak of our lives, no one really wanted to hear about the wisdom, experiences or funny stories that we could share with them. Regardless of where you are in the cycle of your life, feel it, taste it, breathe it and enjoy the ecstasy of the moment, instead of laboring for an undeveloped future.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Open to the peak experiences of your life and let the radiating warmth of those moments lift you higher." tc