Showing posts with label complaining. Show all posts
Showing posts with label complaining. Show all posts

Sunday, May 2, 2010

America's Favorite Past Time

What do American’s do more than anything else? Is it watching football, baseball or NASCAR? Is it BBQ’ing in the summer? Is it hanging out with friends and family on the weekend? The answer is NO to all of those.

What American’s love to do more than anything else is Complain! Have you noticed that, too? In the past, I have certainly been as guilty as everyone else. I thought that complaining did something. Well, it did. It made people around me upset. It sent negative energy into the universe and it made me sound awful. Then, one day, I woke-up to what I was really doing and how I sounded. Things changed.

Complaining does nothing because no action is taken. Complaining sounds terrible and it is a waste of time. So, why do so many people complain every single day? Why has complaining become acceptable? Complaining is the result of unmet expectation! (And I have blogged about that already) We complain because we Expect things to be a certain way. We are egotistical in our thinking that whatever we want, we should get. When we don’t get want we want, We, Americans, take offense and complain.

It is easy to react to the negative energy of complaining and copy it but I ask everyone today to do their best to try and stop. Take the higher ground and if you can’t be positive, don’t say anything at all.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“With a stiff back, strong footing and an open heart, you must hold your convictions steady against the strong winds of negative influence.” tc