Showing posts with label believe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label believe. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Stairway to Heaven

This week, I spoke at a local high school's
'Career day.'  I talked about my work in Holistic Pyschology and Writing.  During the question/answer time, a young girl, who was in a wheelchair, with some obvious physical disabilities, raised her hand and inquired if she could use a stamp to sign her name? I was a little confused about her question, so, she rephrased it.  She said, "You know, when I am at a 'Meet and Greet,' is it ok for me to use a stamp to sign my signature?
Then, I realized what she was asking me.  This beautiful, young lady with more challenges to face than the average person, much less teenager, was a writer and she wanted to know if she could sign her name with a stamp because it was very difficult for her to write with her disabilities.  After I collected myself from the impact of her statement, I told her that WHEN she has a book-signing, she can do whatever she wants!
You are responsible for everything that happens in your life. What you think creates the actions that you will carry out. This young lady ought to be an inspiration to all of us.  Despite her obvious handicaps, she doesn't allow them to hold her back.  She has a dream of writing and I bet one day, she will need that stamp!  There is no reason, excuse or obligation that is more important than living your dreams.  So, it is time to put aside your fear and take the first step towards the rest of your life. I recommend climbing the stairs and seeing what's up there, instead of standing on the threshhold and only peering through the branches of stagnation. 

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Believe and the impossible becomes possible." tc