Monday, May 10, 2010

Queen of the Castle

There is a rhythm to life, a motion that moves us all through the ages. We take comfort in knowing that the sun has risen and it will rise again tomorrow. It is reassuring to each individual to know that there is an order to life. We make plans based upon this order. We build our earthly castle, one stone at a time to support our desire for security, comfort and well-being.

However, there is a conflict that develops inside us as we lay each stone. As intent as we are to create this palace of stone around us, we know that it is fragile against the onslaught of nature. We know that we cannot take it with us when we depart this land and that, regardless of the solidity of the stone, it will not last forever. This friction of ideals at some point will awaken us to the Truth. The Truth is that the only castle that lasts forever is the illumination of our spirit! When we dispense with the cultural conditioning of what is important for our life and start to walk the path of the soul, treasures abound around us. An intense fervor that cleanses the spirit and creates the glowing illumination of real comfort, security and well-being arises. Tempered by the calming effect of the crystal-clear, azure hue of life-giving water….. we become Love.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Plan to be surprised.” tc

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Dose of Love

Happy Mother’s Day! I hope that on this special day in remembering Mothers across the globe and around the world that you appreciate the gift of life that was given to you by this wonderful person. Not everyone is able to express their feelings openly and honestly but on this day, I hope that if your mother is still living, you try to at least spread a dose of love towards her. Put the disagreements aside, the petty arguments away and the years of pain behind you. She needs you as much as you need her. Celebrate your life provided by Your Mother, Today!

God Bless Every Mother and all her Children.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is the quote I gave My Mother:

“Like an artist’s hand moving over the canvas, bringing to life a skillfully created portrait, A Mother’s love graces her children in a variety of hues, deep and comforting through the years.” tc