Showing posts with label rocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rocks. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Solid Stance

Hidden amongst the weeds and wild flowers and concealed between the waters of life and the tomb of death is a rock. It is not a big rock but it is solid to the core. This rock has been a perch for birds, a warming place for lizards and a seat for the weary traveler.

This rock does not ask for anything for itself, yet continues to provide for others in any way that may suit their needs. One time, this rock sheltered a chickadee from a snake slithering past. In another instance, this rock absorbed the salty tears of a disheartened lover. On still another occasion, this rock provided rest to a dung beetle crawling through the grass.

Although this rock is not flashy, assuming or the most beautiful stone around, it continues to provide for those who choose to receive the wisdom of its gifts.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Be a rock to others who need some grounding.” tc

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Serpent Mother

Corbin, my oldest son, and I went hiking in a place called Red Rocks, on the west side of Las Vegas, NV. We climbed up and over boulders for over an hour in order to reach the top of a spectacular waterfall cavern.

On our return to the desert floor, a group of people were huddled at a small waterfall.  Beneath this huge rock, under a flowing stream sat this beauty. The rattlesnake had it's head up and alert but not making the known 'rattle' sound. I never knew rattlesnakes liked this type of environment.

As the serpent is symbolic of life and death, renewal and transformation, I suppose it should come as no surprise that it likes water! Ancient cultures recognize the serpent as an important symbol of higher knowledge.  Gods and Goddesses of the past have been depicted as a serpent.  Original creation stories and myths are full of magical, mystical powerful serpents. It was a special moment to 'safely' view this beautiful creature in her own environment.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Hello, Serpent Earth Mother. Thank you for the renewing gift of life." tc