Friday, July 1, 2016


It's raining the day you plan to spend at the beach....but your roses are blooming, abundantly.

Your tire is flat and you are late for work....but you meet your perfect mate having the tire repaired.

Your favorite shirt has a stain and you select a different blouse......but everyone compliments the beautiful color bringing out your eyes.

Road construction delays your travels.....but parked on the highway for 15 minutes gives you an opportunity to make the call to a loved one that you did not have time to make this week.

Life is a series of experiences.  You are exactly where you are supposed to be.  If you change your attitude, (or here in the Rockies, your altitude) you will receive a very different perspective.

So, on that note: "When was the last time you did something for the first time?  Embrace the day." 

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