Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Fly Away

Geese.  Have you ever studied a goose?  It is a very special bird.  It can walk upon the land, swim through the water and fly in the air.  As a bird of the land, the goose is able to walk, and nest in the bushes, feed along the shores and nap in the grasses.  As a bird of the water, it has perfect bouncy and webbed feet to swim over the surface, dive below for food and the goose has oily plumage to keep it dry. As a bird of the air, the body of a goose is aerodynamic for flight, hosting large wings for lift and travel.  Physically, the goose has been built to transcend the primary earth elements with the greatest of ease.

If one believes that human is the epitome of Creation, why can't we fly through the air?  Why do so many of us fear water?  Why are our land travels by foot minimal?  Hmmmm

The ancient people of Earth knew a secret that we are beginning to remember........We are able to fly through the air, swim to the depths of the oceans and walk upon the land.  How can we do this amazing feat? Through the activation of our Chakra Energy System.  When we balance and activate the seven Chakra lights contained within the human anatomy, we begin to change at the cellular level and awaken the Kundalini: a  Hindu word for Divine Serpentine energy.

This energy enhancement alters our consciousness and enables human to become Homo Luminous - Human Light Beings.  We become One with Divine and arose the superpowers of Human.  We are able to fly through the air, swim through the eathly and cosmic waters and rest on the land.  Read.  The answers will come.

So, on that note:

"The soul will teach you how to dance through the higher realms of consciousness but you must first quiet the mind for flight."   

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