Friday, April 22, 2016

Bird Brain

I had the liberty the other day to sit in my living room chair and quietly gaze into my backyard.  From out of nowhere this robin flew to the ground and began the feeding ritual of hopping around, pausing and then plucking a worm right out of the ground.  I watched mesmerized by the skill at which this bird was able to find, repeatedly and eat earthworms.

An avid summer fisher-person, I know from experience how challenging it can be to find earthworms when I go digging with a shovel.  How can this bird find them so easily?   Time and time again, she hopped around, paused and then STRIKE, a worm!  And, to top it off, she didn't pull them from the earth in pieces, she had the "whole enchilada," every time.  What skill.

Silly as it may sound, take a moment this spring and watch a robin.  It is a very fascinating dance. How did the Sacred Divine create such a simple marvel in a little robin?

On that note:  "Maybe we should be careful who we call a bird-brain."

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