Monday, August 30, 2010

Clear Boundary Lines

This old barn clearly demonstrates the philosophy behind boundaries. A boundary is a marker that distinguishes limits. It is important to set boundaries in your life. They are not stone barriers that keep people from sharing with you. However, boundaries are an indicator of what or how much of your time and energy you are willing to bestow on others.

People without boundaries are usually so busy trying to meet the needs of others that they rarely are satisfied with what they are doing. Oftentimes, they complain about having ‘no time’ to do the things that they want or need to do. These folks spent a lot of energy ‘catching up.’

Decide what is right for you, set a boundary, make it clear to those in your life and hold true to it. You will find that this boundary actually frees you up to enjoy the people, places and things that you want to enjoy.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Mark your limits and the world will open up for you.” tc

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