Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cool Customer

I have always been leery of people who are too vague. I’m sure you know the type. They talk in general format without any specific details. In fact, when questioned, they dance around the topic or change it completely. The master-trick is to turn the conversation onto you, so that you do not question them further. I am always hyper-aware around these types of individuals.

Instantly, I am suspicious of them. Why not present the facts as is? Why not share who ‘they’ are? Why all the secrecy? Usually, it is because these types of people are hiding something. Maybe they are trying to look better than they think are or maybe they are afraid to offend another. I don’t know.

What I do know is that these types of people present an invisible barrier around themselves. They have so many shadowy aspects, that even they have become engulfed in one level of their own darkness. There is nothing closer to god-like then honest, straight-forward, clear and open communication between two or more people. The darkness can always be overcome by the desire to change ‘self.’

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Like a full moon illuminating the landscape below, allow the light to shine through the darkness in your life and free your soul to dwell in complete conscious awareness.” tc

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