Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Soul's Journey

Children are born with a secret knowledge about life that is conditioned out of them as they grow. The innocence of youth is not about sexual virginity, which Western culture has become obsessed with. The innocence of youth is about the ability to communicate with the Creator, without the Veil of Existence shielding the way.

The secret that children retain is one of the soul's journey through incarnate life. As adults, conditioned by our parents, culture and surrounding influences, we lose the ability to readily communicate in spirit with 'the other side.' It takes a lot of time, energy and dedication to reconnect with our light-self, once we have been rewarded with so many stimuli for our physical self.

The path back to Light is a step-by-step process out of Darkness.  This has been referred to in the past as the 'Valley of Death,' 'Underground/Underworld,' the 'Light at the End of the Tunnel' and 'Path of the Soul." This journey takes several lifetimes to complete. As we learn the lessons of life, we come one breath closer to our Creator. We move closer to dissolving, who we think we are, and come to know that we are really a Light of the Divine.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"The soul's journey is physically acted out on earth and spiritually illuminated in the sky." tc

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