Thursday, April 1, 2010


In 1969, a study was conducted by Paul Newton at the University of Kansas and published in Science Digest, that tested the effect of sound on plants.  A book called, The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird was published in 1989, that addressed the effect of sound on plants.  Both, found that plants exposed to soothing melodies grew larger, faster and healthier. Those plants that heard harsh, sharp sounds became sick and some even died.
People are organic beings similar to plants. People emit and receive a variety of sound frequencies.  When we have not forgiven ourselves and others for all the trangressions of the past, we resonate a low, harsh frequency. This holds us back from growing and advancing in our lives (ie. the person still talking about some wrong-doing from years ago, like it was yesterday). Do you want to be around an angry complaining person all the time?  No.
However, when we understand and accept that everyone is doing the best they can with the knowledge that they have at this time, then, we are free to forgive them. This applies to our personal lives, as well. When we excercise forgiveness in all its forms, we emit a soothing loving frequency, which allows love to flourish and we grow.  Isn't it wonderful to be around happy, content people? Yes.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Anger, holding grudges and poor feelings for another will only weaken your ability to live a fulfiing life." tc

1 comment:

  1. "When we have not forgiven ourselves and others for all the trangressions of the past," "This holds us back from growing and advancing in our lives" "When we excercise forgiveness in all its forms, we emit a soothing loving frequency, which allows love to flourish and we grow."

    AFTER READING THESE QUOTES IT REMINDED ME OF A QUOTE I HAVE READ BEFORE: "Being angry and unforgiving to another is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die"
