Friday, April 26, 2013

Triangle of Awareness

We are saturated by drama everyday. Soap Operas, Reality TV, even the news inundates our perceptions with other people's drama. Our response to these daily dramas reflect our level of awareness.  I admit, I have been struggling with the focus to maintain higher awareness.  It is very easy to get sucked into the triangle!

What is the triangle, you ask?  Picture in your mind or draw a triangle.  At each point, write a word:  Rescuer - Victim - Pursecutor.  Then, place an arrow on each line between the points.  

In each drama throughout your day are you jumping in to give sage advice without asking, rescuing the wounded? 
Are you the helpless and hopeless injured party, the victim? 
Are you the one pointing fingers at others, blaming, persecuting them for wrong-doing?

Once you have entered the triangle, you become part of the drama. The cycle begins to turn.  You cannot rescue the victim, without persecuting the perpetrator.  You cannot be the persecutor without creating the victim and you cannot be victimized without needing a rescuer! 

Furthermore, has the situation been observed correctly?  Did the persecutor actually retaliate from being victimized by your perceived victim or are you rescuing someone else because of idendifying with victimization?  It becomes very convuluted, very quickly.

When we develop more awareness of our thoughts and actions, we have the ability to stand outside the triangle.  We shift into becoming the Observer or Compassionate Healer, which offers advise or tools when appropriate but we do not participate in the Drama!

Practice observing how frequently you draw the triangle around you throughout the day and which position you hold.  Then, begin your growth off the cycle.

Love & Light

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Can you feel it?  Just for a moment, do you sense the electrical zing when you see the dazzling array of a rainbow?  There is a much deeper reason for our connection to the hues of  pomegranate, pumpkin, pear, kiwi, blueberry and grape.  These are also the corresponding shades of the basic energy vorticies of our chakra system.  I have blogged about our chakra system in previous posts. Here I want to expand that knowledge just a bit.
Each of the seven primary chakra points are a rotating wheel of light within our bodies.  Think of them as a spiraling weave moving up through your body like the interlacing ribbon through a braid or a serpent slithering across the grass.  The wheels of light move the energy in a smooth and fluid S-motion, which helps us take in, process and disperse information to our brains.  Yes, all the information that you receive, contrary to popular opinion, is an energy input that is first received....not in your brain but at the base of your spine (tail bone region) in your root chakra. The information is then, propelled up through the chakra vorticies to your brain for sorting, organizing, storing and retrieval.
Sometimes, the energy or information gets blocked or misdirected.  Certain cultural tenents, past life experiences and family expectations all contribute to hindering this energy flow. We are then, unable to properly process the input.  When this happens the information may literally rotate around the wheel and move back down the spine.  It is like "spinning your wheels" but not going anywhere.  The clearing, balancing and opening of each chakra vortex is vital to human health.
When the chakra voticies are open, balanced and rotating effortlessly within the body, the Kundalini energy, a dormant force that lies in the root (red) chakra is awakened and triggers higher, spiritual awareness, perception and human illumination.  The body literally becomes light. This can be stimulated by meditation, acupunture, certain breathing techniques and even by spontaneous opening.  This light is called Divine Light or unconditional Love.
An unsavory environment will hamper the opening of these energies preventing vibrant health and 'Human Luminous' from activating.  The barage of negative input from movies, TV, radio, Internet, gossip magazines, restrictive religious beliefs, toxic relationships, personal viewpoints and any source that diminshes the harmony of your Being must be removed from your life. 
One important tool in which to protect yourself from these imbalances and negative energies is to hold your breath! Yes, hold your breath!!!  It may sound funny but it works, similar to closing your eyes and not seeing anything. When you hold your breath the information is blocked from entering your chakra system.  This block prevents the necessity of the energy vorticies from having to process the input.  For example, if someone is speaking in a manner which you find distasteful, simple hold your breath and your mind and body will not need to process how you feel or think about what they are saying. It will not harm your spirit!  Another example may be hearing about some scene of distress, a gossip session, degrading remarks towards another or callous humor.  Interestingly enough, if you hold your breath at the onset of a the objectionable conversation, you will not remember what was said later.
Love & Light