Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

On the eve of All Saints Day, on this magical, mystical night of spirits and intrigue, I hope that you take time to have some fun, play and laugh with your family and friends.

Whether you sport a mask for fun or for protection, remember………… the spirits are looming large on this ancient and sacred night!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Ornamental costumes enhance and embellish the original meaning behind all celebrated festivals.’ tc

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chilly Outside

Do you ever feel like you are being watched? Old Man Winter is right around the corner. I saw this imprint on the ground and knew immediately that I had to use it in the blog.

The first snow has fallen in the High Colorado Rockies and skiers are beginning to prepare for the winter slopes of powdered-speed and downhill excitement. For those living in more southern regions, lately, you have had the delight of the white dustings of a winter wonderland, too.

It is time to put away the lawn furniture, wrap the pipes, seal the windows, bring down the snow shovel and stock-up on de-icer! The air is cooling and ‘Ol Man Winter is approaching from the north.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“May you enjoy the season of slumbered rest as much as you benefited from the activity of the dog days of summertime.” tc