Wednesday, June 30, 2010

An Odd Look'n Fellow

I en-countered a 4-H Fair escapee, recently.    He had long hair, droopy ears and a twitch in his nose that convinced me, 'he wasn't to be trusted.'

As I shifted from foot to foot, looking for a way around him, he countered my movements by hopping in front of my path.

When we had both begun to settle down in each other's company, I snapped a few photos.  Like any hard-core criminal, he dashed away as the flash lit up the evening sky!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Have some fun and express it in your own creative way." tc

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Layers of Sediment

The Grand Canyon is an amazing place to visit. The vastness of the landscape and depth to the canyon  floor is almost incomprehensible. As I traveled along the miles of rim country peering into the abyss below, something very raw, connected inside.

As durable and stable as this area appears to be from our uneducated eye, it is really very vulnerable to many types of changes.  Erosion is an everyday reality. It is erosion, a peeling away, that created and continues to transform this terrain. It is the erosion that highlights the beauty of what lies below.

Likewise, it is the misconceptions and disillusionments that need to be parted in our lives, in order to expose the depth of who we really are. When we learn The Way and do The Work, we arrive at a sense of personal clarity that illuminates our entire being.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Sometimes, we have to peel back many layers in order to find the root of what is really important." tc