Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halls of Knowledge

Education is very important. I do not live by the rule that everyone should go to college. However, I do feel that educating oneself is vital to our human development.

There are a variety of ways to gain knowledge. Classes of interest can be found online, advertised in a local shop and spread by word-of-mouth. A workshop provides short and intense, focused-based learning environments. Libraries share access to tons of information and it is all free. Of course, experience is one of the best teachers, too.

Take time to expand your base of knowledge by reading a book, attending a workshop or visiting the library. You may be surprised at the amount of information that you don’t know.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“You do not need a membership card for ignorance. It is Knowledge that requires a reservation in order to gain the keys to immortal life.” tc

Friday, October 22, 2010

Streams of Desire

We have the ability to create, change, impact and handle all the situations that arise in our daily experiences. When we live by our belief in a higher power, it does not give us the right to excuse certain ‘less han desirable’ characteristics about ourselves. Faith is not a scapegoat for one’s lack of knowledge. Faith is not a weapon to use over another. Faith is not partial to one’s human limitations.

Faith is the belief in the natural flow to our existence. Faith is acknowledging that we are held and protected in our Creators womb. And, faith is accepting all life for what it is.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Our desires move us along our journey but it is our faith that brings us to a soft landing.” tc