Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Duality United

I love to capture reflection photos such as this one. Here, I experimented by looking into the water and snapping the photo upside down. I moved to portray different textures and I sat and waited for the sun to rise in order to add a variety of lighting to the scene.

All of my playing with the camera amounted to one realization.

This particular landscape lent credence to my philosophy of “regardless how you look at the people and things around us, we are all a mirror of the same all encompassing Divine Being.” The beauty of creation is ever-present to remind us of our eternal bond and interdependence on each other. We need nature to supply our food and water and we need each other to share in the experience of life.

Nothing fruitful can be gained by going it alone. Our reflection will always be looking back at us through the eyes of the Creator, herself. The drive for independence is a long solo journey into death. But the drive for harmonious interdependence is the beginning of eternal life.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Duality united is the balancing of all polarities into perfect oneness.” tc

Monday, October 18, 2010

Salt of the Earth

I was asked once how I would describe eternity. This concept alone is hard to fathom but here is my humble attempt to explain how I comprehend such an immense belief of space and time.

I am standing on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. The lake that used to fill this area was once comparable to that of Lake Michigan. The salt flats now cover an area of approximately 44,000 acres. In some places the salt has reached a depth of 6 feet thick. There is more salt (up to 25% more pounds per hundred) in Salt Lake than in the oceans of the world. Almost 4.5 million tons of salt was removed and processed in 2000. Astonishing facts to learn!

What does this have to do with eternity?

If you take one grain of salt and use it as an example of your life span, Eternity is all the salt of the earth!

Jesus was quoted as saying “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5: 13-14) Jesus used this metaphor to teach the people how special and wonderful their life could be.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Let your life represent the single grain of salt that brightens and enriches the world for eternity.” tc