Monday, August 23, 2010

When the Pieces Fit Together

I talk all the time about opening to the spirit. I also provide exercises in which each person can balance their emotions. I try to make everyone aware of the harmful effects of unhealthy thinking and we all know that over-eating and lack of exercise wreaks havoc on our bodies.

I believe that we can take control of our lives. Doctors who push pills are only looking out for their pocket books, not your health. Religious leaders, who preach fear and damnation, are not spreading love in any format. Negative thoughts in any given situation puts toxins in our bodies causing many of the dis-eases that humanity is experiencing these days.

When we STOP and take control over our lives, our thinking clears, our bodies become more healthy, our emotions are not flipping up and down and our spirit reunites with God. Choose life……YOUR LIFE.

So on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When the body is healthy, the mind is clear, the emotions are balanced and the spirit is open, each person manifests The Divine on Earth. “ tc

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lions and Bobcat and Bears, OH MY!

Do you see these ferocious beasts trying to get you everywhere you go OR are you the beast creating the problems around you?

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Worry is a waste of time and energy. Stop it.” tc