Sunday, August 15, 2010

Honest Lift

Is telling a white lie better than out-right lying? NO. To lie is to deceive, simple.

Telling the truth is a symbol of your honor and integrity of character. If you are prone to telling lies, then you need to look within and figure out why. People who say adamantly that they “hate liars” are actually calling out for help because they do not like the fact that they lie! They see it in everyone else because the negative act of lying is a challenge that they must learn to overcome.

We are all learning ‘the lessons of the soul’ on our life journey. It is important to be compassionate with others when dealing with their struggles. It is just as important to be compassionate and forgiving with ourselves as we face the tests along our journey.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“The outside reflects the amount of balance achieved on the inside.” tc

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Prickly Affair

In my Tree of Life Theory, I state that there are 12 emotions that we must learn to balance for healthy living. These emotions fall along the same continuum as the thermometer from August 7th , Accountable Extremes blog entry.

They main emotions to balance are:

1. Love vs. Disregard
2. Joy vs. Sadness
3. Peace vs. Agitation
4. Patience vs. Rebellion
5. Kindness vs. Meanness
6. Goodness vs. Evil
7. Faithfulness vs. Disloyal
8. Righteousness vs. Corruption
9. Self-Control vs. Chaos
10. Forgiveness vs. Resentment
11. Honesty vs. Untruth
12. Awareness vs. Thoughtlessness

Negative energies are very strong. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to side with someone on a negative role? You can get caught up in there ranting and raving before you even know what is transpiring. It is important to be aware of these energies and move away from them the moment they develop.

The positive emotions, which lie at the root of our tree, produce lovely fruit on the branches above. If we focus on the good emotions, we will live a more satisfying and healthy life.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Emotions feed the experiences of our life but if left out of balance, they will pierce us and cause us to bleed.” tc