Friday, July 30, 2010

Gender Issues

Masculine and Feminine energies are found in everything! On the physical plane, this Yin and Yang law often gets confused with the physical manifestation of sex. The subtle exterior differences that animals, to include human animals exhibit is understood to be the sex of the species. However, within all of creation the masculine and feminine energies exist in BOTH sexes.

I know this may seem confusing at first but give it a moment to sink in. Maybe it is easier to think scientifically. Each person is made up of both the X and Y chromosomes. This is one example of feminine and masculine energy. Another example would be ‘right-brain: left-brain’ thinking functions. We use both sides of our brain for different tasks. One side is more masculine energy functioning and the other side is more feminine energy functioning.

When you are clear on the rule of gender, you will also learn that the gender division is important for all creativity. “Gender is found in all organic and inorganic matter AND within the operations of heat, light, electricity, magnetism, attraction, repulsion, etc. In each instance, both masculine and feminine energies are essential - the masculine energy directs itself to the feminine energy, thereby initiating the creative process. The female energy is the one doing the creative work and this is true on all planes.” (Milanovich & McCune)

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“It takes both masculine and feminine energies to create life, all life.” tc

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Breasts of the World

These two peaks are located in Southern Colorado. The Ute, Comanche and Apache Tribes called these peaks the “Wahatoyas.” It means "Breasts of the World." When the Spaniards moved through the region, they named the peaks Twin Peaks or Twin Brothers. The East peak is 12,683 feet in elevation and the West peak is 13,265 feet in elevation.

Travelers from the east can see these peaks from 100 miles away. They rise up from the valley floor like two majestic mounds on Mother Earth’s otherwise, flat countryside. It is easy to understand how they were named.

Back in the 1800’s, when Settlers passed through this area, these two peaks were the landmark for crossing Cuchara Pass and reaching the Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range. What a significant sign to let you know that you are going the right way!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you are on the right path, the signs couldn’t be more clear.” tc