Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Life

Water is the basic element that provides for all life to begin and remain. Many religious ceremonies involve purification by water. We bathe in water to clean our bodies on the outside. We drink water to replenish our inner body and many activities revolve around water sports. I think that it is pretty clear that people are drawn to and use a lot of water.

There is an undercurrent to life that moves all of us.  It is magnified by water. Whether the source is derived from a stream, river, lake or sea, the power of water is life-giving.

In the fast and furious world that we live in today, it is important to our overall health to learn to quiet our minds. One main method for doing this is through meditation. Meditation can improve our mental focus, lower blood-pressure, relieve stress and expand our consciousness. There is no 'negative' to meditation. In fact, a healthier route to a better life can be obtained through easy meditative excercises.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Like soaking in a hot bath or resting on a quiet park bench, when the body is at rest, meditation awakens the spirit and opens the channels for God to talk to us." tc

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Storm Coming

Oftentimes, I have learned the hard way that the old cliche of "the best advice is free advice' really is true. Likewise, I have found that the most important warning signs frequently come from the least expected sources.

Life is full of change and unexpected events. The Darwinian Theory of 'only the strong survive,' I have found to be quite inaccurate. I believe in the theory of 'the most flexible survive.' Those who learn new ways, adopt more flexible attitudes and bend in the wind are the ones who make it through the constant transition of life.

Don't ignore your inner feelings. Don't let yourself be talked out of something that you are sure is true. Don't doubt the power of faith.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Seek the Light and the Darkness will gradually fade away like the final breath of a powerful storm." tc