Sunday, June 6, 2010

Trumpets Blow

I came across a very interesting website the other day. In my on-going research of the stars and religion, I have found many discrepancies as it relates to ancient writings and drawings and modern interpretations. This website addresses one of the most important symbols of Christianity, the Ark of the Covenant.

What is fasinating to me is that while the Book of Genesis in the Christian Bible speaks of the Serpent and Tree of Knowledge as evil, in early Biblical publications, the God of the Isrealites, Yahweh, is depicted with it's head curling around the base of a pillar (symbolic of a tree). His body is that of a serpent!

With several ancient cultures such as the Egyptians and Sumerians, which is where the Jews and Christians have adopted many of their symbols and stories from, portraying 'God' as a serpent or serpent with wings and a World Tree, why would the opening book of the Christian Bible seemingly condemn the very mystical idea of a powerful holy serpent and the Life Giving World Tree?

Please take a few minutes and visit this website. it is an important 'missing piece' to the creation story of the world.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"The sound of music comes from our soul. Truth can no longer be hidden in words. The trumpets are sounding and the revelation is pleasing." tc

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Gates are Open

Today is an important day for the spiritual aspect of each person.  There is a celestial alignment that happens..."As above" in the heavens from our earthly perspcetive.  This celestial event is called the Holy Cross. It is a Portal that opens for the Soul.  This is a time for each of us...."So below" to open to a deeper spiritual connection with our Creator. This is a time of spiritual evolution, a time of great change and growing inner power. The entire earthly collective is experiencing a dramatic awakening, if you will, into the wave of the future. The consciousness of each individual is starting to meld into the universal language of one. 
Have you caught yourself 'knowing' something right before it happens or saying and/or thinking what the person next to you is going to say? These are just simple but profound examples of how the earthly collective soul is rising to a new level. This is a wonderful time to strengthen your faith, change ideas that aren't working for you and connect with like-minds.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Open the Gates and step out into a brighter future full of dynamic possibilities." tc