Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rainbows or Rain

Sometimes, the right question conveys more than a short story. 

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Do you revel in the rain or the rainbow?" tc

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Shades of Life

Think about this for a moment. Is a tree always a tree? Is it only considered valuable in it's original shape?  Is a tree limited to the commonly known use given by mankind? What happens when a tree takes on another form? Does a cut tree yield more or less substance than a whole tree and what is it's alternative worth? When you step over a fallen tree in the woods, is the importance of that tree's life over?
All trees begin as a seed of potential.  Depending upon the nurturing it receives, a tree will either grow into a full and healthy form or be stunted in it's development.
The shades of a person's life is similar to that of a tree. We are born pure and perfect. We are a seed of unlimited potential. How we are nurtured helps to mold the type of person that we will become. As we move through the rings of our life, we all have something special to offer in a variety of hues at every stage of our maturity. Allow the sun to shine through the branches of your life and derive moments of enjoyment in the shade as much as you would the shimmering light.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Recognize your significance in the different hues of your life, without letting the shadows overtake your contibution." tc