Saturday, March 20, 2010

Born to Fly

We ask ourselves hundreds of questions each day.  Should I.....?  Could I......?  Would I......?  Didn't I......?  But how many times do we acknowledge 'what we Can?'  
Today is the first day of spring.  You can do anything that you believe possible. You can: take a vacation, spend the afternoon with your son, ride a bicycle, enroll in a class, call your mother, invite the neighbor for lunch, say NO, seek refuge and stop an unhealthy behavior.  Why? Because You Really Can. We were not born to sit in small cubicles, work endlessly, be helpers to others without first tending to our own needs, follow the beaten path or be alone.  We were born to discover our gifts, share with others and live fully.  We were born to fly!    

So, on that note, the quote of the day is: 

"All it takes on your part is a little effort and pure faith in order to soar." tc

Friday, March 19, 2010


Traffic signals, road signs, mapquest online, email, notes, phone calls and even dirty laundry are all signs that tell us things about where we have been, where we are going and our current state-of-being.   

Signs come in a variety of formats.  For many people, the signs are everywhere but they simply are not paying attention! If you take a look around, you will see all the current indicators that are guiding your life. Don't waste time second guessing the direction in which you should continue your life's journey.  If you are being called to travel down a different highway, I suggest you get out the road map and start your engine.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"We live in a world full of signs yet, we continue to steer our lives into complete shambles." tc