Monday, April 15, 2013

Hello, Again!



With a new sense of purpose, I am back and expanding my inspirational blogsite to encompass a broader spectrum of metaphysical topics.  Check in on a regular basis and share with me your ideas, experiences and comments to my posts.
Let me begin with sharing this beautiful photograph that I took in Colorado.  It is called an Oracle. An oracle is a full circle rainbow.  It is a sign of Divine presence and blessing. This one has a bonus heart design! Since my last post, I have been on an intense spiritual journey.  Some of those lessons, insights and beautiful moments, I plan to share with you. For today, enjoy the Oracle and let it's energy fill you with love.

Love & Light

Monday, November 15, 2010

Trading Pencil for Paint

Thank you everyone for taking a moment in your busy days to read the my blog. I have enjoyed this creative and expressive avenue for sharing a message of love.

I am writing a book that incorporates the Tree of Life Theory, this Blog and my continued growth towards the Light of the Divine.

Please use the archive to the right in order to access blogs from the beginning of the year. I have tried to introduce topics and ideas that you may research further, as desired.

Love & Light to You!

Teresa Carlson aka/ Sageheart