Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reaching Out

I have been inspired by so many people in my life. Recently, I talked to some homeless folks living by a bathroom in the park. A man was laying down sleeping. Another couple was huddled together keeping warm, while a lady with one leg, in a wheel chair took the position of guardian over them. She had a rather intimidating dog on a leash with her.

I approached the group on my way past the bathroom. I asked if they were alright and if they needed anything. This lady lit up as I approached her. I inquired as to the friendliness of the dog, too. :) She was so sweet. She told me that the dog was friendly, which I quickly discovered as he nuzzled up for attention. The kind woman informed me that they were all fine.

As I left her encampment, I offered a blessing for their protection. She responded by telling me that she loved me. Wow, what a beautiful surprise! So many people fear and ridicule the homeless and in one moment, I was gifted a strangers love, simply by stopping in my tracks to help another.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Reach out and ignite a fire of love where ever you go.” tc

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Special Function

Each one of us has been created for a very special purpose. Not only do we walk embraced by the loving arms of our Mother, when we open to her wisdom, we walk a unique path all our own.

We are granted so many gifts and may share certain parts of our journey with others. We may bond with friends in our life that share in our laughter. We may be born into a family unit that encourages our development. We may choose a profession that allows us to use our gifts and talents to the benefit of others.

Nevertheless, we are like this silo. We have been created special, to stand out from the rest and welcome the unlimited substance of the Divine into our being.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Surround the essence of your being with Her resilient Light.” tc