Thursday, September 23, 2010

Moving Through the Fog

I have read about the “illusion of life” in many books from a variety of Eastern Philosophies. However, I didn’t get it. How can life be an illusion? We eat, drink, sleep, work, play and live…. right here, right now. Right?

How can everything that I see, hear, feel, smell and touch be an illusion, when my senses reinforce that it exists? Why does my brain continue to tell me I am right, if I am wrong? How can such a crazy idea like this remain in circulation for thousands of years?

Simple. It is a universal Truth. When you wake-up from what you think life is, you will discover that it is an illusion. The ‘devil’ that Jesus battled in the desert was not a physical monster but a series of falsehoods to overcome. Buddha didn’t invent the Noble Eightfold Path to Enlightenment, he recognized the unhealthy behaviors that prevent spiritual growth and practiced them.

The Illusion of Life is about understanding that we are not Physical Beings with a Spirit, rather, we are Immortal Spiritual Beings manifested in Physical Form. Let me say that again, we are not Physical Beings with an Immortal Spirit, we are Immortal Spirits in a physical body.

In the Judeo-Christian faith, the Book of Genesis states that “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. (Gen 1:27) God created us as a division of the Divine Light, itself. We are a smaller Light of the Creator. We are Spiritual Beings manifested in physical form.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“The Illusion of Life is no longer a mystery when you pass through the veil and the fog lifts.” tc

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Autumn Harvest

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

For people struggling with addictions, the addiction is life. There is no one or no thing more important than satisfying that desire, craving, drive or need. Addicts, as they are called, state that they find pleasure in their addiction but the truth is they are in so much pain that they hide from the truth of their life and practice the mastery of their addiction, instead.

Rather than seeing a person with an addiction as having an “addictive personality” or “a genetic predisposition” towards something, I choose to believe that people, who have addictions, actually have been called by God to fill the hole inside. The only trouble is that they got confused with what God wanted them to fill the hole up with.

Maybe those people who are fraught with an addiction need a new way to perceive it, so they can move beyond it.

For those of you who like to:

...Shop in excess of what you need, maybe you could look for the 1st bargain of the day in the free Light of God isle, instead of on an aluminum rack.

...Talk about everyone, maybe you could try spreading the Word of God, instead of smearing someone else’s name.

...Use harmful chemicals to feel better, maybe you could try trading that temporary high for a spiritual lift that doesn’t have neurotic side effects.

...Fill your lungs with suffocating, black smoke, maybe your first deep inhale of the morning could be from the Breath of Heaven, instead of the toxins of tobacco.

...Eat large portions of food, maybe you could get your fill in the boundless warmth of the Divine’s love, instead of through empty calories.

...Drink excessive amounts of flavored alcohol, maybe you could exchange the buzz of intoxication for the euphoria of Allah.

I know it isn’t easy to alter behaviors as ingrained and powerful as addictions. This blog is not about showing you a step-by-step method in the work of recovery. This blog is about giving you a different way in which to think about what authority you allow to dictate your life!

I think that if you move away from negative labels that hold you back from becoming all that you are capable of becoming, and seek a positive label in love and light, that eventually, you will regain control over your life from the addiction and make a healthier choice to give control of your life to God.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Be careful who you allow to control your life, if it isn’t based in love, lead instead of follow.” tc