Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Live and Let Live

The Challenge for today is:

Respect other people’s decisions and choices for themselves without intervening or trying to take control!

This is a tough one. Do not add your input, thoughts, experiences or try to control what another does in any way, today.

What you, hopefully, will learn is that: right or wrong, good or bad, we are all responsible for our individual life. When we make a mistake, we must try again. When we say the wrong thing, we must apologize. When we control others, we take responsibility for their experience, too.

Take the challenge and allow those around you to live by their decisions. It is how we ought to live.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When the winds of time blow you in a specific direction, bend with the energy instead of trying to control it.” tc

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Seven Colorful Points

Chakra is a Sanskrit word for ‘wheel or life force center.’ A Chakra is an energy vortex within each of us that controls our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being. There are seven main points and they are located along the spinal column up to the top of the head. Each chakra point is associated with a specific color and correlates to certain areas of the body.

Starting at the base of the spine, the seven chakras are:

1. Root (red), C, Grounding factor, sexual activity
2. Navel (orange), D, Physical activity and immune system
3. Solar Plexus (yellow), E, creative expression, glandular system
4. Heart (green), F, love, compassion, acceptance, circulatory system
5. Throat (blue), G, communication, understanding, thyroid
6. Third Eye/Brow (indigo), A, spiritual vision, psychic energy, pituitary
7. Crown of Head (violet), B, portal to higher spiritual consciousness

The chakra colors are the same as the colors of a rainbow, encompassing our entire perceptual field. Each chakra radiates at a frequency that corresponds to the notes of the musical octave. Each chakra spins at the rate of balanced energy in those bodily areas that it corresponds to.

Learning to eat healthy and exercise, give love to self and others, forgiving all, applying the lessons of your soul’s journey and being more aware will aid in balancing your Chakras. Chakras that are out of balance can cause sickness, dis-ease, anger, depression, etc.

A balanced chakra system provides for the individual to have a happy, healthy and fulfilling life experience.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“May the light from within spring forward and radiate out towards all that you love.” tc