Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Inside Out

How often do stop and listen to what you say? How often do you stop and listen to how you say things? Many people do not stop talking long enough to really listen to what they say and in what manner with which they say it.

I have found that by listening to others talk I discover many ‘hidden’ issues that are holding people back from growing in their life. Sarcasm directed at others is really frustration and anger within self. Criticism pointed at others is really mirroring your same issues. Complaining about others shows exactly where you are struggling. Do you hate liars? Do lazy people drive you crazy? Do bad drivers make you mad? Is your husband forgetting things?

By focusing attention towards other people, the person voicing the sarcasm, criticism and complaint is hoping that it will draw attention away from them. This way you cannot ‘see’ what they are actually pointing out to you with a Bright Red Flag!

Look in the mirror! Everything you say reflects your inner self. Are you happy? Then, you must spread more love. Are you angry? Then, you probably complain a lot. Each circumstance provides an area for you to grow in your life experience. There is no need for judgment, just change. You can jump at the opportunity and learn or you can continue to suppress that incident and wait for another one to come around. Rest assured, all lessons that you don’t learn the first time will come around again, except they become more challenging to overcome with each occurrence.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“In order to experience more love in your life, you must increase the love & light within you.” tc

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ant Someone Gonna Help Me?

I was raised with the idea that “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” So, for most of my life, I did many things myself. It did not matter what chore had to be done or object hung or task accomplished, I could do it all without help.

It didn’t take too many years for me to realize that doing all this work alone was tiring. I not only had all the responsibility but I also had all the stress and all the work. How smart is that?

Was I so superior to others that no one could do things right but me? Actually, I frequently struggled with tasks that I didn’t have the skills to complete. I also recognized that this ‘superior mindset’ caused me to look down-my-nose at others. When I woke up to how this attitude was making me act, I realized that I needed to change a few things. This phrase was not correct!

Teamwork is a great way to share the work-load and complete a job quickly. When a lot of people come together, share input, knowledge, skills and time, every chore can become an accomplishment rather than a dreaded duty. You might even make a few new friends.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is”

“Teamwork: Together we can complete Everything through A Mindset of Willingness, Organization, Respect and Kindness.” tc