Sunday, August 8, 2010


I talk a lot in the blog about changing your life. I try to empower each person who reads this blog to learn the skills that it takes in order to make those changes in your life that you are not currently happy with. By sharing new ideas, current information and a deeper sense of conscious awareness, it is my hope for everyone to wake-up and take responsibility for their life experience.

Once you have chosen to change your circumstances and have learned a few new skills, there is only one more step to take to start realizing the difference. You must practice your new ideas, philosophies and skills. You must act bravely with your new information.

When you apply your new knowledge and skills to everyday living, your life will change. You will align yourself with the Higher Self within. Your spirit will grow, your consciousness will expand and the energy of the universe will move through you, fluidly.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Transformation begins with desire, moves by your willingness and is completed through the will of action.” tc

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Accountable Extremes

I am so happy to be able to share this idea with everyone today. We live in a dual world. There cannot exist black without white, up without down, good without bad and love without hate.

The news, Internet, tv programs and religion all focus on this duality. Sometimes, we are able to poke fun at the extremes of physical life and at other times, it tries our very patience to the bitter end! When we understand the Rule of Polarity more clearly, we will be able to maintain control over the extremes. Life will not be so difficult to manage.

There are two ends, opposites, or poles to everything in the physical, mental and spiritual plane. Polarity stands for the two extremes of a single thing. Each condition or object resides on its own plane of existence. Therefore, summer and evil are on unrelated, separate planes. I used a thermometer the other day as an example when explaining this to a friend. Let me briefly try it here.

Looking at a thermometer, please point out to me the exact point where hot is now cold. You cannot do this because it is all a matter of degree or perspective. On a thermometer, forty degrees in Alaska is a heat wave, while forty degrees in Texas is frigid. There is no set point that alters the sensation of hot to cold. It is all a degree of warmer or colder temperature.

Likewise, in our dual world the amount of love or hate expressed by a person is simply a degree of the same thing. When we come to understand that everything is on the same continuum, then we learn to accept that there is no absolute!

Imagine the thermometer again. The line expressing the temperature is the plane. Since hot and cold are on the plane of temperature it can be changed. Instead of residing at hold or cold, most of us prefer mild, which is in the middle. Similarly, love and hate are on the same plane. Instead of everything being expressed as “I love you or I hate you” one may find the middle ground of compassion, concern and kindness a more pleasing way to express emotions.

Because of polarity, we are able to change any situation or condition. You may not like someone but you can visualize being kind, anyway. You can even improve a negative conversation by visualizing a more positive response.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“We can only grow closer to the light by avoiding the extremes on all planes.” tc