Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fruit of Your Labor

I have touched on the Universal Law of Cause and Effect in a couple of previous blogs. Today, I would like to share my ideas with you on the Universal Law of Attraction. We have all heard the one about "opposites attract." Well, we are leaving cliches out of this one.

The Universal Law of Attraction states that we create the things, people and events that come into our lives. By the immense power of our thoughts, words, feelings and actions, we produce energies that draw either more positive energies or negative energies towards us.

When we think positive, loving thoughts, we draw those types of people and events into our life. We also stimulate spiritual tests that help us grow into our Higher Self. The opposite is also true. When we think negative thoughts, we draw negative people and events into our lives. These tests may be more difficult or challenging for us to grow from.

Regardless of which energy we attract to ourselves, the results will create our reality. "You reap what you sow." We can choose to grow, remain stagnant or regress. Free Will is always present and the choice is yours.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Streams of energy are flowing all around us. You can enjoy the positive product of your efforts or you can continue picking at the weeds." tc

Monday, August 2, 2010

Anything is Possible

While hiking one day, I came across this tree growing right out of the rock. Amazing! I looked under, around, behind and on top of this huge boulder to try and find the root system to support this tree. I found nothing. So, how is that this pretty hardy-looking tree is growing out of a rock?

Well, I believe that All life on earth is organic and that All life is connected. Therefore, why can’t a tree grow out of a rock? I have been taught that trees require certain chemical compounds to grow. But, what if my understanding is incomplete?

When I break poverty consciousness thinking, then, I am free to enlarge my learning and understanding of life itself. People do and think exactly how they are conditioned to behave. Until a person steps out of the box of routine acceptance, will they expand their belief system to include the potential totality of all life.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Higher conscious thinking amplifies the dynamic paradox of reality.” tc