Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Sheltering Spot

I hear people talking all the time about wanting more quiet time, peace, a break and a vacation. What is so interesting to me is that when they finally receive a day off, frequently, they fill it with so many chores, activities and catch-up work that they never really stop and enjoy a break.

I started to wonder about those people that I know who do this. Do they actually know how to take a break or I wondered if they really wanted one? One author that I have read claims that people do not really want peace, a stress-free life or more free time because they would find that boring! Image that. Someone finally getting exactly what they want and then, they find it boring?

When I started to give this idea some thought, I tend to agree with the author. Look at how we have conditioned our youths to be constantly entertained and busy. With all the electronic gadgets to entertain them from cell phones, ipods, video games and computers, why should they ever sit quietly? Why do we complain about ‘these kids?” Look at their examples? We have not taught our children the necessary skills to enjoy peaceful moments because we do not show them peaceful moments, ourselves.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“It is not the amount of time that you have, it is the quality you put into the time that is important.” tc

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Coyote Ugly

Coyotes are a nuisance to ranchers. Living in Colorado, I have encountered more people that disregard the coyote, than any other place I have lived. I have heard, “Shoot them on site.” No, I could not do that. As much as I understand the ranchers-mentality to protect livestock and all, I cannot look at one of God’s creations, like this one………….as a nuisance.

She has the right to live, hunt, care for young and co-exist, along with every other creature. She is entitled to yip and yowl in the wee hours of the night at the moon or any loud, screeching noise. He is free to run with the pack across vast expanses of land, claiming territory and breeding grounds.

Coyotes are symbolic of being the trickster. They remind us not take life so seriously all the time. They come along to teach us to balance wisdom with a good sense of humor. What we do to others, will be done to us, in return.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Who is really being tricked about the meaning of life here?” tc