Monday, July 12, 2010


There is a language known to mankind that uses a different set of rules in order to communicate the deep and timeless language of the universal. I have called this language, “Universal Consciousness.”

The methods used to communicate involves archetypal symbols, which Carl Jung coined but it goes much deeper by using our sensory perceptions, colors, numbers, natural planetary cycles, body language, shapes, and our Inner Knowing in order to express itself. This language crosses all known language barriers and cultural influences. Within this state of consciousness, all is understood.

Not only do we use this language through simple communication like “smiling,” which we all understand to mean joyfulness but other spiritual beings use this language, too. God, angels, spirits, aliens (to us) and even dark forces communicate through universal consciousness.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“There is a Universal language that we instinctually know and understand. This language can be used to guide, protect and teach us, if we slow down long enough to read the signs.” tc

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Frozen in Time

Have you ever been so-oooo tired that you were unable to take another step? Or so-oooo weary that you were unable to think beyond the present moment? As a society, we tend to push ourselves beyond the limits of what we are meant to handle. What is all this work about anyway?

The majority of us are employed by someone else. We work to provide 'them' money, power and control. They hold the key to our lives. (what job you perform, how much you are compensated for it and when you will do it) We work to provide 'us' with a tool, money, to continue the process of working for someone else. Confusing at first but think for a minute what I am saying. Most of the time, we are 'working' for the sake of absolutely nothing! We are not free in any sense of the word 'freedom.'. We are slaves to our employer, our mortgage, our culture's enticements, our government and to our own thoughtless ideals of what life is.

Maybe it is a cultural thing or maybe an ego thing but I feel as though there is too much emphasis placed on working and not enough on helping.  Much of our society's self-inflicted madness and sickness is because there is very little giving and an abundance of taking!

Rainy days in the summertime, windy days in the fall and snowy days in the winter are great opportunities to take a break! We are not meant to work long hours, day after day. It is not healthy. Likewise, when the work is done, it is time to relax and play.

I need to be reminded to play from time-to-time. So, I thought I would blog a simple reminder to all of you to PLAY. As children, we spend endless hours at play. Look at what a child learns during that timeframe. It is amazing. Implement a little play in your life today and observe how you feel when you let go, work and work.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When we balance work and play, the frozen behaviors of the past melt into a flowing river of a new beginning.” tc