Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bursting with Energy

Happy 4th of July!

Today we celebrate our nation’s freedom, our independence from the ruling monarchy of Great Britain. The people of our early nation did not want to be told what to do in this new world. They, likewise, did not want to send a large portion of their wealth overseas. The men who drew up the Declaration of Independence did so at the risk of being hanged. They stood up against the dominating powers of the era and fought for what they believed in. We are the beneficiaries of their wisdom, courage and ideals.

Shout, Celebrate, Party and Enjoy this monumental day is our history!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Stand up for what you believe in, even if you are standing alone. It is so refreshing.” tc

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Out of the Darkness

I was pondering the duality of life, the other day. Why is everything either good/bad, positive/negative, black/white, male/female etc.? Then, I read a book by Shirley MacLaine (the actress) called The Camino. A Journey of the Spirit. In her story, she explains that the duality of life is necessary for the Action of life to manifest. So, what does that mean?

I have come to understand what science figured out a long time ago, polarity, duality and opposition must be present for life to Be. You cannot have an action without a reaction. There cannot exist light without there also being darkness. Energy cannot exist without both positive and negative charges. Life cannot evolve without death.

Not long ago, I learned to Accept the duality of life. People are free to choose the peacefulness or chaos of experience. My wishing for things to change for others is simply a selfish desire for my life because if others do not wish to change, then my wish is really about me. I also have come to recognize that there must exist an opposite so that I am aware of a difference. If everything is the same, it is static, lack of growth, stationary, immobile and constant. Creation cannot be without motion. I finally Understand why……..duality is.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“From the Nothingness there developed Life, from the Peace there evolved Sound and from the Darkness Light manifested.” tc