Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Looks can be Deceiving.

There have been a number of times in my life where I have ‘judged the book by the cover.’ Now, for anyone who has paid attention, you have learned the hard lesson that I have had to face (a few times), also. Not everyone acts on the higher standard of living. In fact, I have come across people who may look the part of trusting and kind but it is all a mask. Likewise, I have met the stereotypical ‘bad boy or bad girl’ type and found them to have a Heart of Gold.

Call it stupid, naïve, trusting or foolish but I hold a belief that inside people are good and are really trying their best, even if they prove me wrong (sometimes repeatedly). I have hope that everyone, at their given time, will awaken to the Truth of their life and be kind, thoughtful, considerate, trusting and so forth.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Don’t be fooled by the outward appearance of power and stature. One’s actions tell the truth about what’s inside, wherein one’s first impression may be filled with lies.” tc

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This Old House

Old buildings fascinate me. I love to be out hiking or vacationing and come across an old, broken down cabin from the late 1800’s or earlier. The work involved in building these stone and/or wooden houses with the given tools of the time is so different from today’s craftsmanship.

Huge stones were moved by hand or horse. Oftentimes, a mud mixture was used to fill in the gaps, not cement or mortar. The ceilings were made by binding together branches and wood. Then, they were piled on top in thick layers to insure insulation against the weather.

Many of these structures were built into rock walls, earthen mounds or other natural rises in the ground in order to protect against the weather.

The average home built today, albeit full of high-tech gadgets and massive in size, just doesn’t present the same ingenuity or interest to me as the homes from “yester-year.”

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Take the time it requires in order to build yourself a home that begins with a solid base, is made of quality products and will not crumble under the pressures of time.” tc