Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ray of Light

I was in Antelope Canyon, Arizona, last week and took a tour through the Upper and Lower Canyons. It is a guided tour presented by the Navajo Indian Reservation. The Upper Canyon is strikingly different from the Lower Canyon tour. In the Upper Canyon, beams of Light penetrate through openings in the canyon ceiling, periodically, along the walk. This is not a place for everyone as the passages are very narrow in places. Those individuals with claustrophobia would not do well. However, for those people who are not wheel-chair bound or larger than 18 inches in girth, both canyon tours are breathtaking wonders of what 180 million years of natural earth forces can do to rock and sandstone.

Besides the ever-changing, awe-inspiring scenes that moved before my eyes, all I could think of was that God IS with us and within us.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Be a ray of light in someone’s hour of darkness.” tc

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Bouquet of Life

There is a stereotype in American culture that I think needs to be changed. The stereotype revolves around the beautiful, fragrant, colorful poignant giving of flowers. Have you noticed that most people receive huge arrangements of flowers at their funeral? I have been to several funerals in the past and it seemed odd to me that the deceased was covered in massive wreaths of color in the casket but rarely, if ever, received flowers while they were alive! So, I ask you, does this make sense? Who are the flowers really for and why?

My Aunt was in hospice just weeks before passing over to the other side and I decided to send her a large bouquet of roses. She was so delighted by the gift of love. She was able to smell the sweet scented flowers and enjoy the bright colors in an otherwise, less than joyful environment.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Give the gifts from the heart, now, that you wish to share; while your loved ones can receive the full enjoyment of your offering.” tc