Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Landscapes of Life

Our lives are made up of a variety of landscapes.  There are mountains to challenge us, rivers to keep us moving, deserts to provide quiet, reflective moments and lush meadows to relax in and enjoy the fruits of our experiences.
Too frequently, I watch people so busy plowing the fields of their pasture, that when the mountain pops up to slow them down, they simply bulldoze through it, instead of understanding the purpose of the challenge and climbing to the top.
If we don't slow down and learn from the environment around us, we may be too busy to see the approaching edge.

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"Don't forsake the Light for a canyon of Darkness."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Morning Elixir

I love a hot cup of coffee in the morning.  It begins with the strong, rich scent of freshly ground beans, followed by steaming hot water that draws the dark-roasted aroma out of the grounds. Next, the tantalizing brew is gently poured in to my thick ceramic coffee cup with a pine tree on the side.  Adding a splash of cream and a teaspoon of sticky, sweet honey my caffeinated morning bev-erage is complete.

As I sip the bold morning elixir, savoring the warmth as it washes down my throat, I think to myself.......This is so good, why does it have to end at the bottom of the cup?

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"The magic of the morning is often lost on the expectations of the day."